The Empathy Factor. Marie Miyashiro writes on topics related to human connections and collaboration in the workplace and organizations. Instead of the two-dimensional Think-and-Do cultures prevalent in our workplaces, the book advocates for a third dimension, Connect-Think-Do.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication – The NVC language serves consensus creation by focusing on universal human needs present. It is widely used in counseling, mediation, and conflict resolution.
In Search of Dialogue Notes from Occupy Oakland. Miki Kashtan Ph.D, shares her longing for the Occupy Movement to model a decision making process that embraces the possibility of transforming conflict and disagreement into a solution that works for everyone, rather than the either or paradigm of voting.
Collaborative Consumption Jill Suttie of the Greater Good’s Science center explains how collaborative consumption and product sharing systems maximize resources and build relationships that increase happiness. “Collaborative lifestyles require you to shed a certain amount of your hyper-individualism and replace it with a certain amount of neighborliness…”
Collaboration Is Risky. Now, Get on with It. Whitney Johnson explores why teamwork can be difficult and what simple steps can create the right foundation.
Consensus at Scale. Burning man organizes a week long, 50,000 person festival using consensus in a large organization group.
Numerous Resources and Manuals on consensus. Provided by Tree Bressen, professional facilitator and graduate of the graduate school for communal living.
Top 10 consensus mistakes. Also provided by Tree Bressen.
The Town of Casper. This town in Medicino County, CA, operates on a consensus model.
Consensus as an Unnatural Act. Laird Schaub’s key to keeping ideas moving freely is embracing the mantra “what does the group need to hear from me on this topic at this time?” This guidance is nuanced enough to deserve a closer look.
Communal Studies. The Communal Studies Association publishes a scholarly journal twice yearly (spring and fall) containing peer-reviewed articles on communal groups past and present, with an emphasis on those in the United States. It also sponsor fellowships, offer memberships, and hosts an annual conference.
Seeds of Change Consensus Decision Making, a short guide.