Dr. Randall Grayson received his doctorate in psychology at the Claremont Graduate University, specializing in developmental, social, and organizational psychology. This education serves as the theory behind his practice.
Dr. Grayson is the author of numerous websites such as this one and www.cleancommunicate.org. He has personally worked in and researched several organizations that operate on consensus, and is also an expert on running organizations based on a flat hierarchy.
Not one for the ivory tower, Dr. Grayson has lead several organizations, including most recently an outdoor education center that has seen its revenue increase over 500% in eight years, the workforce triple, and have all its services completely sold out annually with zero advertizing.
This website, and others, are created in service to the world community, so that power, compassion, and intention can be held together, and that we may all proper by doing so.
If you have specific questions, or thoughts to contribute, please feel free to contact Dr. Grayson at: randall@functionalconsensus.org